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Energy Master—CosmoMystic

Van of Urantia & The Bright & Morning Star Band

Energy Master—CosmoMystic

  • Energy Master
  • Edge City
  • The Father of Your Moment
  • I Know You In Light
  • The Seasons of Your Soul
  • Tenache
  • The Light Has Come Into The World
  • I'm Wondering If It's All Real

Lyrics From This Album


Energy Master -- Your desire is what I'm after

I tried not to see -- what you created me to be
My heart cried -- my life force seemed to die

Energy Master -- Your desire is what I'm after

How long a victim -- of others' fallen dictums
Give me the power -- to meet the designed hours
Without the vision -- my soul seems to perish
Without the vision -- no future goal to cherish

Ride the wind. Ride the wind of time
Ride the wind. Ride the wind of time

When I can't see hope's rainbow shine
I need to be walking in the cosmic time
When I can't see the starships come in
I need to believe my destiny will win

Energy Master -- Your desire is what I'm after

Long ago and far away -- they came to teach a higher way
Now at the end -- the truth needs to ever win

Energy Master -- Your desire is what I'm after

© Van of Urantia & The Bright & Morning Star Band

Energy Master

Energy Master -- Your desire is what I'm after

I tried not to see -- what you created me to be
My heart cried -- my life force seemed to die

Energy Master -- Your desire is what I'm after

How long a victim -- of others' fallen dictums
Give me the power -- to meet the designed hours
Without the vision -- my soul seems to perish
Without the vision -- no future goal to cherish

Ride the wind. Ride the wind of time
Ride the wind. Ride the wind of time

When I can't see hope's rainbow shine
I need to be walking in the cosmic time
When I can't see the starships come in
I need to believe my destiny will win

Energy Master -- Your desire is what I'm after

Long ago and far away -- they came to teach a higher way
Now at the end -- the truth needs to ever win

Energy Master -- Your desire is what I'm after

© Van of Urantia & The Bright & Morning Star Band

Edge City

Every spoken spirit form, that rides the wind of time
Joins the thoughts of chosen ones, programmed by the I AM (AUM)

And all that join the thoughts of love, help to create the whole
Only gentleness, truth, and harmony, can be the only goal

Move On

Flash on light, flash of hope, build your dream on destiny's song
It can be done when you truly know the mind of right and wrong
So don't pretend, Oh fallen friend, you know the way to go
Or that you are so perfect like the very perfect I AM (AUM)

Come out of your edge city, get off the cosmic cloud
Humble yourselves to the greater lights that have always led the I AM's crowd

Move On

You're so blind to that scar deep within your soul
You justify your actions in your self-righteous goal

And your myth goes on and on, blind to the core
Pointing your finger to the ones you love, who don't even keep the score

Accept the fact the you are loved, the angels' only tool
Is your thought of security resting in the surgeons' school

Walk gently through the cosmic breeze, do not bend a reed
Rest in Him, Oh Spirit's Child, who always knows your need

Move On

© Van of Urantia & The Bright & Morning Star Band

The Seasons of Your Soul

Know the seasons; Know the seasons of your soul
Know the seasons, Know the seasons of your soul
Know the seasons; Know the seasons of your soul
Soul - Soul, Soul - Soul - - - - - - -Soul

Born in Autumn, planted in the fallen soil
Once a garden now the weeds of greed and fear

Know the seasons; Know the seasons of your soul
Know the seasons, Know the seasons of your soul
Know the seasons; Know the seasons of your soul
Soul - Soul, Soul - Soul, - - - - - - Soul

Do, Do, Do, Do, DO
Follow the beckoning of your spirit heart
Out of the shadows of the evil lot
You can fly, you can fly, you can fly, you can fly

Then comes winter, you have chosen selfish goals
Malignant narcissism you have joined the king of fools
Fool - Fool, Fool - Fool, - - - - - - Fool . . . . . . . . .

Then comes spring time, plant a seed of love and joy
Water the flowers of every rooted girl and boy

Know the seasons; Know the seasons of your soul
Know the seasons, Know the seasons of your soul
Know the seasons; Know the seasons of your soul
Soul - Soul, Soul - Soul, - - - - - -Soul

Then comes summer, bath in the living Spring
Join in the Son Light where all His children sing.

Do, Do, Do, Do, DO

It takes a thousand angels praying to touch one heart of stone.
And another thousand years for the Truth to be known.
You can fly, you can fly, you can fly, you can fly

Know the seasons, Know the seasons of your soul
Know the seasons, Know the seasons of your soul
Know the seasons; Know the seasons of your soul
Soul - Soul, Soul - Soul, - - - - - -Soul

© Van of Urantia & The Bright & Morning Star Band



Listen, listen lovely Indian maiden
To the birds sing, the frogs ring,
The crickets join the night song,
They love you, I love you too,
Tenache, Tenache

Your black hair shines in the night
The moonlight shines in your eyes
And bounces to energize.
My being is seeing you.

I found you, you found me
We were one, we were free
Then I lost you, you lost me
I searched for you, you searched for me
find you, you'll find me
We'll be free -- again, -- my friend

Eeya - eeya - eeya - ya ya ya ya ya
Eeya - eeya - eeya - ya ya ya ya ya

Remember that high mountain
Up where eagles fly,
You were laughing, and crying,
We were so happy.
You will be -- again, -- my friend.

Listen, listen lovely Indian maiden
To the birds sing, the frogs ring,
The crickets join the night song,
They love you, I love you too,
Tenache, Tenache

Eeya -- eeya -- eeya -- ya, ya, ya, ya, ya,
Eeya -- eeya -- eeya -- ya, ya, ya, ya, ya,


© Van of Urantia & The Bright & Morning Star Band

The Light Has Come Into The World

Won't you listen to a true story
About an infant child of glory. SOVEREIGN
The child grew into a man,
A very compassionate man, so sensitive.

He cried for all those who hurt Him
Because He had a pure love,
Altogether beautiful,
Altogether beautiful,

The Light has come into the world,
But men do choose their own darkness,
Here's why:
The Light said He was the Way,

But men do choose their own way,
Because . . . their hidden deeds are very evil,
And they don't want to be exposed,
To the Light, the Light, the Light

And you decide to play life's evil game,
And live and walk a lie
And so-called friends, they all join in
Together you laugh, alone you cry, and cry,

Yes, you can't hide the truth far from Him,
You're living in His garden, Urantia
You can't deny that voice inside you
The tablets of Law reminds you, it does,
The Light, the Light, the Light

The Light has come into the world,
But men do choose their own darkness,
Here's why:
The Light said He was the Way,
But men do choose their own way,
Because . . . their hidden deeds are very evil,
And they don't want to be exposed,
To the Light, the Light, the Light

Light or darkness, spirit or might
You could live in Divine Light
Light or darkness, spirit or might
You could live in Divine Light

Uh - Uh - Uh - Uh - Uh - Uh - Uh – Uh

© Van of Urantia & The Bright & Morning Star Band

I'm Wondering If It's All Real

Looking at all the empty faces.
Walking in all the strange world’s places

Very few do feel like they belong,
Very few do sing a happy song

And I’m wondering if it’s all real
Yes I’m wondering if it’s all real

Trying to understand people I love
Wondering if I’ve been forgotten by the Lord above
The things I see don’t really please me
Nothing I touch can really free me

And I’m wondering if it’s all real
Yes I’m wondering if it’s all real
La la la la la la la la

Trying real hard to meet my destiny
A little Divine help wouldn’t hurt me
The leaders I see seem to go astray
False pride and greed seem to lead the way

And I’m wondering if it’s all real
Yes I’m wondering if it’s all real
La la la la la la la la

There’s a new world coming
Keep the dream alive
There’s a new world coming
Keep the dream alive

Believing in the best of everyone
Of all Gods children under the Son
We all got to try to make it better
To write each other a love letter

And I’m wondering if it’s all real
Yes I’m wondering if it’s all real
All real, all real, all real …….

© Van of Urantia & The Bright & Morning Star Band

The Father Of Your Moment

Trapped in the world of the Supreme field Rebellion has lessened your stay You’ve got the solution of your evolution Self-assertion has shown you the way You live for the dollar, can’t hear the true caller
And Jezebel is playing your tune
You’re cold as ice, ‘cause you’re caught in the vice
Awaiting the howl of the moon

He’s the Father of your moment
The Mother of the day
The Keeper of your secrets
And the Peace beside the bay

The ticket to the future
The eyes of each sunset
The travel-friend to Paradise
Romeo or Juliet

The smell of each new morning
The rest of a lonely night
The pillow for the leaf
The courage for the fight
Yeh – yeh – yeh – yeh – yeh (REPEAT)

You can sing a new ode MOTHER
Choose your dress for the humble code FATHER
Walk in the forest and not break a reed MOTHER
To the city bring the holy seed FATHER

Running off to nowhere, you got no place to go
And everywhere you end up you act just like you know
That you got it all together, the Guru or Guress
While all along you cry inside, void of happiness
Yeh – yeh – yeh – yeh – yeh (REPEAT)
You live on your own corner, called Chateau Egoness
You won’t call me elder teacher—only acquaintance
And sometimes I’m your brother, or maybe even friend
But always on your own time, your blind mask of convenience
Yeh – yeh – yeh – yeh – yeh (REPEAT)

He’s the Father of your moment
The Mother of the day
The Keeper of your secrets
And the Peace beside the bay

The ticket to the future
The eyes of each sunset
The travel-friend to Paradise
Romeo or Juliet

The smell of each new morning
The rest of a lonely night
The pillow for the leaf
The courage for the fight
Yeh – yeh – yeh – yeh – yeh (REPEAT)

© Van of Urantia & The Bright & Morning Star Band

I Know You In Light

I can't see You, but I know You in light
I can't touch You, but I feel you in light
I can't hear You, but I sense you in light

You are the micro macro being that is forever seen
You are the friend to every seraphim and sanobim
You are the owl it seems to coax us to the tree of dreams

Whoo - Whoo - Whoo (9X)

Light of Lights - I love You
Light of Lights - I need You
Light of Lights - I call You
Light of Lights - When I'm in need

Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah

You are the star at night That sees us through the silent night
You are the three in one in me for all eternity
You are the force of all Life's flow in which all cells do grow

Ah, Ah, Ah

I can't see You, but I know You in light
I can't touch you, but I feel you in light
I can't hear You, but I sense you in light

You are the micro macro being that is forever seen
You are the friend to every seraphim and sanobim
You are the owl it seems to coax us to the tree of dreams

Whoo - Whoo - Whoo


© Van of Urantia & The Bright & Morning Star Band